Ursula’s appetite gets her into trouble one day
— Miriam Williams

Ursula Bear and her Everything Bag

Have you ever met a bear with a giant handbag?

Meet Ursula, the bear with an Everything Bag packed FULL OF SURPRISES. A bag that is just right for a big brown bear with a BIG appetite for garlic.

Ursula’s appetite gets her into trouble one day, when she accidentally eats ALL the garlic in the forest!

Join Ursula on her quest to find a new supply of garlic. Look out for all Look out for all the unusual things in her Everything Bag that help her along the way.

The perfect story for young explorers…but brace yourself, for this is no ordinary adventure!

Meet the illustrator

Asmaa Adel

Asmaa is an artist and children’s book illustrator, living in Egypt. She believes in the power of storytelling through colours and imaginative characters. When these elements unite with beautiful words they come together to create entirely new worlds for readers to explore.