Grandparents are such a cherished gift.
— Miriam Williams

Losing a loved one is never easy, especially so for children, when a Grandparent passes away. My hope is that Daisy and the Dream Bus can provide a safe space for parents and children to explore together, emotions and feelings around loss.

I wrote this book as it is something I would have loved, as an eight-year-old Daisy when my Grandad died. When you lose someone, you don’t stop thinking about them, or wondering about what memories you could have made together, and I think that is ok. In fact, I think that it is healthy to talk about such things.

As a child, I loved to ride on the top deck of the bus with my Grandad, and he would show me the world from up high. There was one park, called Southgate, where he promised to take me, but sadly died before this was possible. This is why, Daisy’s form of transport to Dreamland HAD to be on a magic Dream Bus and she arranged to meet Grandad at the South Gate in the clouds.

There are other little nods to Grandad, such as humbug sweets and a cloud dog. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it, it is for everyone who has a little space in their heart for wish-were-mories.